Brother Sun, Sister Moon!

I I must say! This 2-day old blog of ours, PAJacks , acronym for Philippine Agricultural Journalists Advancing Agriculture Aided By Commu nity Knowledge & Science , is dedicated to the pursuit of Masaganang Ani At Mataas Na Kita (Bounteous Harvests & Bountiful Income, my translation). It is dedicated to The New PH Agriculture , under the leadership of Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, who prefers to be called Manong Willie – Ilocano for Brother Willie . Wen Manong! That Masagana slogan is for farming families, and it’s excellent, such as it is. Now I want a slogan for the aggie journalists, male and female, and I have found what I think is perfect: “Brother Sun, Sister Moon.” That is from the “Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon” of St Francis of Assisi. What does the canticle mean? That “All creatures = one family [1] ” – Jack Wintz ( Franciscan Media ). You are my brother, you are my sister . (sun-moon image from Redbubble [2] ) Now, how do you translate that to jour...