PH Agriculture: Is Modern Technology The Answer? No, It's Modern Thinking!

William Dar's latest Manila Times column, "PH Agriculture Ready For Industry 4.0?" (Part 1) online (25 April 2019, is an eye-opener to me, an agriculturist and a very wide reader

He is actually talking about 4 Industrial Revolutions: iR1, iR2, iR3, and iR4 (my designations).

He says: "(iR4) offers a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds." He answers the question in his title: "So far there are no clear answers."

Let us think some more!

He says, "One of the best examples today of (iR4) is the 'smart factory,'" with everything automated, and that includes the system making its own decisions via artificial intelligence, AI. Sorry, but the application of AI in such a food production system is not for me.

I love it when Mr Dar says that iR4 "can build on the technologies and systems of" previous industrial revolutions iR1, iR2, and iR3.

"(iR1) is much about mechanization, steam power and the weaving loom." Steam power? I'm thinking of the geothermal plant.

"(iR2) is about mass production, assembly lines and electrical, all of which are still in use today." Amen to all that.

"(iR3 is about) automation, computers and electronics." Aha. That's where I am today, the 3rd Industrial Revolution. I am an author, editor, and desktop publisher (the man, not the mouse). (Read about my latest commissioned desktop publishing project here: "Surprising Ba-i: Coffee-Table Book, Version 1.5" (23 April 2019, Journalism for Development,

iR4 – what's in it for us? Mr Dar asks for agriculture: "So how do we take advantage of the unprecedented innovation accompanying (iR4) to rethink and transform our food systems?" I like his answer to his own question:

Working together: To make (iR4) take root in the agriculture sector, all agricultural and biosystems engineers need to work together to create a more sustainable food system that achieves solutions that are integrated and holistic, focused on local impact, innovative, and collaborative.

For integrated and holistic efforts:

We should push for land, water and energy use efficiency, and ecosystems and biodiversity management that are interrelated and need to be considered holistically in developing solutions.

For localized impact:

Solutions must support local communities, enhance livelihoods, and assure social and economic value to those connected to the food system.

For sustainability:

All products, technical, process and business model innovations should result in a more sustainable food and agriculture system.

For collaboration:

We must look at food and agriculture as a system, so we need to take a value network approach. So, collaboration among all stakeholders is essential.

What about approaches using iR4?

I suggest four approaches in "technologizing" agriculture under (iR4): producing differently using new techniques; using new technologies to bring food production to consumers; increasing efficiencies in the food chain; and incorporating cross-industry technologies and applications.

Following that and applying for rice only using old-new techniques, I would recommend: green farming(my term & advocacy), System of Rice Intensification, bubble drying of grains, and the combine harvester to reduce harvest losses.

Technology with thinking!517


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