PRRD: "LandBank, Open To Farmers!" FAH: "Sir, I Cannot Even Open Its Annual Report!"

In his State of the Nation Address SONA, PRRD told LandBank (22 July 2019, SunStar,

You are called Land Bank, but you are now the number one commercial bank in the Philippines. What the heck is happening to you? You are supposed to finance agricultural enterprises and endeavors… Go to the countryside and ask the people if there are cooperatives, (help them) to form one.

LandBank is into commercial loans because, Sir, LandBank knows which side its bread is much buttered.

Now, I love it that Sir, you mention cooperatives. And the Coco Levy Fund:

I also have not forgotten my commitment to uplift the lives of coconut farmers and further develop the coconut industry through the urgent utilization of the Coconut Levy Fund.

You hit the nail on the head, Mr President!

I have been proselytizing about cooperatives and The Fund in the last 7 years (see my essay, "A Coop Is Born. Will Nagkaisa Wake Asingan Up?" 23 October 2012, Nagkaisa, I was born in Asingan, Pangasinan, and I am a Board Member of the Nagkaisa Multi-Purpose Cooperative. Subsequently, 5 years ago, I wrote an essay, "The Super Coops Of 2014" (30 October 2014, Nagkaisa,, explaining thus:

Super Coops are where the coco levy funds should go to. Not to a super body, not to government, but to the people. Empower more the many, less the few.

With 10 Super Coops in each of 1,000 towns & cities in the country, 10,000 coops funded PhP 10 M each for 10 livelihood projects with 100 families, or 1,000 families in a town, that's 1 million families in motion & in heaven. The results will be immediate, national, and palpable. The effect will be electric!

That's just from me.

Anyway, I'm urging you, Mr President, to urge Congress to amend RA 9520 & create a new Cooperatives Management Authority. For inclusive development, for the good of all, but especially the poor farmers. Those billions in the Coco Levy Fund can be better used for social good.

I go back to LandBank. I said in the title of this essay, "Sir, I Cannot Even Open Its Annual Report!" I visited the website (, and typed the search words "Annual Report" (including the double quotes), and the 2018 Annual Report is notyet available! Really, LandBank is behind the times.

To rescue LandBank, I'm volunteering a one-day open lecture-demo on how to prepare an annual report from a mountain of reports. This is a digital 79-year old speaking. If I can do it, you can do it! I will just charge a token of P5K – with a money-back guarantee if not satisfied! Fair enough?

Now, Melissa Luz Lopez  says, "Landbank can't survive on farmers' loans alone, DOF says" (23 July 2019, CNN Philippines, Bad excuse, DoF! Look at the image above – LandBank proudly says at the bottom, "Expanding Financial Inclusion in the Countryside." Are we then to conclude:

That LandBank will expand financial assistance in the countryside excluding the farmers?!@517


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