Editorial & Digital Work With Manuscripts – At 79, If I Can Do It, WE Can Do It!

Yes, I am your iVirtual Guru. I am your mentor in virtual learning – or your helper and co-producer of any manuscript, from article to a book, as writer, editor, layout artist up to and including the pdf copy for printing. I can teach, or produce for you.

The image above, which I took of my 22-inch ViewSonic external monitor, suggests the richness of the materials and the media physical and mental that can be involved in virtual learning – and creating an intellectual product.

I do not want to call it e-Learningbecause that's technical, and I'm not your technicalteacher  – I am your creative companion. You will be creative, assisted by my creative hands, head, and heart.

What can I teach? Production of any texts and images using the personal computer, PC, and the World Wide Web, also called the Web, also Internet.

iVirtual Guru is the name of my school & workplace. We talk via bulletin boards: Internet, email, and Facebook.

No transportation expenses, come and go as you please, learn & go as you will anytime anywhere!

I revolutionized education that day I created this blog, iVirtual Guru, intending to teach & do via the virtual universe, hence the name. That day: Monday, 26 August 2019, in Manila. (I have since collected into this blog older essays that fit the mood and mode of the concept of iVirtual Guru.)

A guru is a teacher, adviser, or mentor, or all 3. Tagalog Guro.

In my earlier essay (26 August 2019, "Papers, Presentations & Publications – What An iVirtual Guru Can Teach/Do For You," iVirtual Guru, ivirtualguru.blogspot.com), I said:

The term "Virtual Guru" is already accepted in the digital world; to differentiate, I am calling myself the iVirtual Guru – the attached i referring to any or all of these: Internet-based, intellectual, innovative, interesting, insightful, inclusive, ingenious, incredible.

I will now add to the list of i these: inspiring, involved, introspective, interpretive, and inviting, the last meaning open, not closed to any idea or initiative.

I learned the use of the PC starting 28 December 1985 – how could I forget the date? It was a girl from Calamba in the office of Pids Rosario, Director of the Farming Systems & Soil Resources Institute, FSSRI of UP Los Baños, who taught me first, and then I took over the teaching of myself. As my tutorial exercise, I typed that WordStar manual word for word into the computer and printed a copy so I did not have to bother her again. Thanks, FSSRI!

In 1987, I graduated to the use of Microsoft Word, and never left. Before that, after WordStar, I tried WordPerfect – it was Heaven in layout, but it was Hell to use, so I junked it in favor of Word. I am now using Word 2013, and hope to purchase Word 2019for my birthday which is next month.

My slogan today is:
At (my age), if I can do it, WE can do it!
Let me not forget to thank God.@


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