Frank A Hilario Investigates The Paradigms & Paradigm Shifts Of William Dar

I investigate intellectual ideas, not intellectuals; ideas, not individuals. That way, no hard feelings – only showing 2 hands trying to define each other and coming out with a new paradigm. The above image, says the source ( signifies "Moving from 'Service To Self' to 'Service To Life'" and claims that it is a new paradigm. It is.

Since I do not expect the PH investigative journalists to investigate the paradigms and paradigm shift/s of new Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie, I have to do it myself. Because that word is crucial to the understanding of Manong Willie's "8 Paradigms For New Thinking For Agriculture" (see my essay, "Time To Investigate PH Journalism Not Investigating PH Agriculture!" 26 August 2019, Ani Kitá, What's the matter with our investigative journalists – afraid of finding out the truth and having to make a paradigm shift?

But first, what is a paradigm? I have been surfing the Web for several days now and I like what Business Dictionary defines as a "paradigm" (

Intellectual perception or view, accepted by an individual or a society as a clear example, model, or pattern of how things work in the world.

Your paradigm is how you look at how things work. In the case of the 8 paradigms of Manong Willie, they are requirements for development; my version now comprises commandsto PH Agriculture:

(1) Modernize!
(2) Industrialize!
(3) Promote exports!
(4) Consolidate farms!
(5) Create roadmaps!
(6) Develop infrastructure!
(7) Have higher budgets and investments!
(8) Have legislative support!

Each paradigm is debatable, of course – but in this case, I accept Manong Willie's 8 paradigms as parts of "The New Thinking for Agriculture." Each paradigm makes sense; together, they comprise a paradigm shift for PH Agriculture!

A paradigm is a point of view, way of looking at things, seeing & connecting the dots.

Is it right to say that once someone says this is the paradigm that we are going to work with in order to bring social growth via improved agriculture in the Philippines, that is it, that is final? No, but if the source of that paradigm is an authority, you have to contend with that authority, which you do not have.

A paradigm looks like a theory, but it is not presented as a theory – it is presented as a firm belief.

Paradigm: The theory of evolution is just that, except that it is presented with lots of arguments for its claim to being true. Counter-paradigm: Belief in God is a paradigm, because you cannot prove that there is a God, precisely because it is only a belief.

Now, what is a paradigm shift? Business Dictionary ( says it is a "Fundamental change in an individual's or a society's view of how things work in the world."

Did you notice? Each of Manong Willie's 8 paradigms is a paradigm shift. Thus:

Paradigm: "Export if profitable."
Paradigm shift: "PH, promote exports!"

Parting words:

"I love you" is a paradigm.
"I don't love you anymore" is a paradigm shift!@


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