Frank's List – A Book Dedicated To A New Vibrant PH Agriculture!

Announcement: My new book out this September. It's free! 

Why am I Giver and not Receiver of a birthday gift? Because it is more blessed to give than to receive. Don't forget karma!

I am dedicating it to the Filipino people, especially advocates of farmers and fishers for their emancipation from poverty and on to leading sustainable lives! (The body is ready; I am writing the Introduction, then go!)

The image above, which I took on my ViewSonic external monitor 28 April 2018, a Windows 10 collage, is a good metaphor for the book, a collection of my essays blogged from 07 April 2019 to 30 August 2019. The book is at least 257 pages 8.5" x 11" trim size. It contains 79 essays, to celebrate my age, thank God! (Clue: A whole town will celebrate that day this September.)

Let me not forget to thank God for the years behind and years ahead – I pray to live to be 120 as He promises in Genesis 6:3 (KJV): "Yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."

In the meantime, I celebrate life, love, family. I celebrate not only my birthday, but the birthday, 05 August 2019, of a new and vibrant Philippine Agriculture under Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, who prefers to be called Manong Willie (Ilocano for Big Brother Willie).

Title of the book? Secret!

The public purpose of the book is for me to support the expressed thoughts and observable actions of Manong Willie, who is a poor man's son, graduate of Benguet State University (bachelor and master's degrees) and UP Los Baños (doctoral degree). I am sure he loves this country and his Science will work, based on his 15-year outstanding managerial experience as Director General of ICRISAT based in India.

An Ilocano, he is also an original aboriginal. He is the very first Secretary of Agriculture in the Philippines to ever come out with a written complete package of what needs to be done to emancipate the poor farmers and fishers from poverty, with the active participation of all sectors of society: national and local government units, private sector, non-government organizations, state colleges & universities, cooperatives, and peasant associations. He calls that package the 8 paradigms that are parts of "The New Thinking for Agriculture" under his watch. You know what? The 8 shows that:

The Savior of PH Agriculture will be all of us doing all the work together!

The private purpose of my book is for me to show a real-life, honest-to-goodness proof that creative writing knows no age. I will be 79 in a matter of days as I write these lines. I thank the Lord that even as I grow older, I get to write faster and be happier with the results! I double-thank the Lord that these intellectual efforts are intended to inspire not only writers but journalists and teachers to read and understand more about PH Agriculture and what they can contribute in their modest ways, their own way of thanking God!@517


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