How Sharon Garin With Her Congress Team Can Legislate Well For The Coconut Funds

Charissa Luci-Atienza says "House Panel Forms TWG To Consolidate 16 Coco Levy Bills" (23 September 2019, Manila Bulletin,

The House Committee on Food and Agriculture formed Monday a technical working group (TWG) that would consolidate the 16 bills seeking the creation of the Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund.

Ladies & gentlemen of the TWG, the creation of that TWG will still prolong the process of deliberations!

Here's why: Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie says you must develop the roadmap first! How can you know where to go and how to go without such a map?

Manong Willie has "Roadmap development is paramount" as #8 of The Eight Paradigms embodied in his "New Thinking for Agriculture" as his roadbook (my term) to the new PH Agriculture under him as Secretary of Agriculture. The lower half of the composite image above is the cover of my ebook, in Paradigms Lost, in Paradigms Regained, 269 pages, my literary-literal explanation and exposition of those paradigms. (Email me for a free ebook:

Miss Sharon Garin, as Chair of the TWG, first you have to draw the Roadmap for the Coconut Funds, RCF, before trying to "consolidate" all those 16 bills – otherwise, you will literallyget lost!

Miss Sharon, you should now be convening your TWG and start working on the Roadmap for the RCF. It should have the following very important parts first: Vision, Mission, Strategy.


What do you want the future of the coconut farmers to be? Masaganang Ani, Mataas ang Kita. Plenteous harvests, plentiful gains.


How do you plan to bring that dream to reality? Develop the coconut industry in every region of the Philippines. Improve the growing of coconuts, not the least the yield/tree. Increase the number & variety of products from coconut, especially for exports.


With private sector participation, fund R&D initiatives where there are State Colleges & Universities, SCUs. Form Citizen Councils for Coconut to advise on R&D, including to approve project proposals.

The Vision, Mission and Strategy, VMS, combined is an intelligent guide, not simply gut feeling, for incorporating some parts and not the others in all those proposed bills.

Get busy now with the VMS!

When you receive those agency submissions one after the other, you can easily judge those position papers within the scheme of the VMS of yours. Without meeting.

Your committee now awaits the versions. No, Miss Sharon, it is not the versions you should be comparing – it should be the Vision! Let's see those who have the good of the coconut farmers in their hearts.

No, Miss Sharon, you do not have to nervously await for the version from Malacañang to be issued. When it comes out, with the power of your VMS – you can finish with it in 5 minutes flat!

With that VMS, you can craft that single bill easily, and deliberate on it in the House fast, and answer all questions and remove all doubts easily. What's more, you will not be afraid of a presidential veto!@517


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