If You Use Microsoft PowerPoint, Wake Up! An Editor Of Inc. Decries Its Use

Among presentation apps, is PowerPoint the best or the worst? 

Geoffrey James, Contributing Editor of Inc., says "Harvard Just Discovered That PowerPoint Is Worse Than Useless" (09 August 2019, Inc., inc.com, where the image comes from).

Ah, Mr James, the iVirtual Guru says what you said is baddest. "Worse than useless" is an exaggeration. But "useless" is correct if you do not really know how to use PowerPoint – and it seems to me, Sir, you do not know!

Mr James says:

Intuitively, we all know that PowerPoint is a horrible time-suck. (Admit it: don't you groan inside when the first slide pops up?) And anecdotally, the world's top entrepreneurs (like Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey and Mark Cuban) avoid it like the proverbial plague.

1st sentence: Correct! Because people make it too detailed.

2nd sentence: The presenter has not learned any better! That is why I have written this.

3rd sentence: Those bozos do not know how to use PowerPoint properly! I repeat: That is why I have written this!

Essentially, PowerPoint is not for making slides – even if that is all people know about it.

Essentially, the way people treat "slide" is that it is fixed, static, something to read out loud by the presenter, and to read silently by the audience.

Both attitudes wrong!

PowerPoint being good or bad depends on how you use it.

Mr James says, "Intuitively, anecdotally, and scientifically, PowerPoint may be the worst business tool ever created." That, Mr James, is the worst thing that has been said about PowerPoint, and I am neither a Microsoft investor nor a PowerPoint user.

The thing is, Mr James, you and the Harvard researchers know only what PowerPoint is bad for.
You do not know what PowerPoint is good for!

What people use it for is the same way we used the old slides, those ancient images each with a frame. We are in the Digital Age; we have a modern app, but our application of it is still ancient!

So that you do not have to read your own slides yourself, practice your presentation so that you get to master it!

Mr James says John Sweller says "showing audiences the same words that are being spoken reduces, rather than increases, audience comprehension." Precisely, Mr James – current PowerPoint presentors are robots! Not making powerful presentations.

Never mind the bells & whistles of this Microsoft app – what is the best use of PowerPoint?

Dramatize the texts: Like present one after the other and they slideinto one slide.

Dramatize the images:Like the pieces slowly make a big pie or something.

It is not the texts that move into each other's presence; it is not the images that collect into one greater image. The essence of PowerPoint is in the name itself:

To make a powerful point!
Actually, to make powerful points, plural.
Like the image I pasted on the main one.

People, now then, let me help you make a powerful PowerPoint presentation. Email me: frankahilario@gmail.com. First email advice is free!@517


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