Piñol's Complaint & Command Responsibility On The Asian Swine Fever Outbreak

On his Facebook page today, Tuesday, 24 September 2019, ex-Secretary of Agriculture Manny Piñol comes out firing loaded words: "Stop The Blame Game; Work, We'll Help You!" He says:

Yesterday, I received calls from the media asking for my reaction to the statement issued by the new Agriculture Secretary William Dar blaming me for the outbreak of the African Swine Fever in Luzon saying it started appearing in May of 2019 but the DA under me did nothing.

Nope! This is what Secretary Dar said, according to ANN (Author Not Named, 24 September 2019, "Piñol Blasts 'Blame Game' In African Swine Fever Outbreak," ABS-CBN News, news.abs-cbn.com):

Ewan ko bakit di sinasabi... August 5, wala pang incident report, pero marami nang feedback informally na mayroon nang obserbasyon ng mga nagkakasakit na baboy.

(I don't know why they were not telling… August 5, there was no incident report yet, but there were already many informal feedbacks that observations have been made on swine getting sick.) My translation

Monday, August 5 was the date of first report of William Dar as new Secretary of Agriculture. If there were no reports, the Bureau of Animal Industry, BAI, was not fulfilling its command responsibility of checking out the veracity of "informal feedbacks" – those from which reporters stood nothing to gain from reporting such. And it was the command responsibility of the DA, the mother agency of BAI, to check with BAI. Under Secretary Piñol, BAI and/or DA failed in fulfilling its separate command responsibility! (Image above: google.com)

If Secretary Dar did say those 25 words quoted above, in Tagalog, he was taking command responsibility that others before him failed to take! That is a good public servant to me.

"I don't know why they were not telling…"

Is that an outright accusation? Is that William Dar blaming Manny Piñol "for the outbreak of the Asian Swine Fever in Luzon"?

The new head of the DA is only saying there has been failure of the old DA in taking command responsibility early enough over the Asian Swine Fever disease of PH pigs to have contained the disease before it could develop into an outbreak and kill thousands of pigs!

In the Tagalog quote above, if the BAI took command responsibility and checked out the reports, and took actions necessary, this could have prevented the spread of the disease.

Mr Piñol, with DA under you, there was a failure in command responsibility of BAI, which means it was a failure in command responsibility of the agency overseeing BAI, which is DA.

Mr Piñol says, "The Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) had not recorded or reported to the OIE or World Animal Health Organization any incidence of ASF outbreak in May, June or July. Look at the map above again; it reports worldwide outbreaks June 2018-July 2019 -no reports in the Philippines. The ASF was already worldwide. The BAI was not, the DA was not monitoring. Why not? Command responsibility! Forewarned is forearmed!@517


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