The Only Way To Learn To Write Is To Write. The Best Way To Become A Good Writer Is To Learn From The Best!

The 2nd time I saw this Facebook video post, "Tips From A 90-Year Old Woman" from Lifter UK, I decided to transcribe the whole thing – it's a total of 33 life tips, from "1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good" to "33. Believe in miracles." (You can email me for a free copy,

Tip #18 particularly applies to writers: "A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write."

The only way to learn to write is to write!

You can learn on your own, as I did, inspired by so much reading of the classics and westerns in our library in high school at the provincial town of Asingan in Pangasinan, and so much inspirational writing in the Reader's Digest. I'm into non-fiction, so now I can quote Shakespeare or Lincoln in my essays!

The only way to learn to write is to write. Now, after teaching myself creative writing and becoming a computer nerd, I say:

The only way to write better is to rewrite!
Better with an Author's Editor.

If you want to learn more quickly how to write better, better get yourself an Author's Editor. And the fastest you can get? That's me! That is because I have been using the personal computer, PC, and Microsoft Wordearnestly in the last 32 years – I started with Word 4 in 1987; now it's Word 2013. This master says PC plus Wordis the best!

How much can you learn from me as a writer?
As much as I have learned as a creative writer in the last 45 years!

I have so far written and blogged at least 6,000 long and short essays totalling six million words (6,000,000), and no one has ever contested my 6-year old claim that I am the "World's creative genius online, most prolific writer of non-fiction. Frank A Hilario, Guru" (Creative Thinkering,

I thank God that at 79, I write even faster and deeper and more interestingly than ever before, and sometimes as funny as anyone can get!

You want to learn to write, or write better – this is where you need an Author's Editor – this is where you need me if you want The Best!

You can't find an Author's Editor like me. I can mentor you home-to-home – without either of us leaving the comfort of our home. There is email; there is Facebook. There is

I will give you freeAuthor's Editor advice the first time – then you can take it from there.

You ask:
How do you write on a very difficult subject?  

My first advice is free – and here it is:
Ask by email a copy of my ebook in Paradigms Lost, in Paradigms Regained
where I wrote with humor and understanding on
the very difficult subject of Philippine Agriculture and
how to revive it, according to the scientific thoughts
of new Secretary of Agriculture William Dar.

The best way to learn is? From the best!@517


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