Whatever Happened To Rice-Based Farming Systems – Wake Up, PhilRice!

The Philippine Rice Research Institute, PhilRice, had a very good thing coming with its Palayamananinitiative in the early 2000s – and then no more. Palayamanan, palay (rice) + kayamanan (wealth); Palayamanan was rice-based farming systems, plural, a brilliant idea whose time never came!

What happened? Time to find out, especially that new Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie has called for multiple sources of income for each farmer. In a press conference after he attended the "18th National Vegetable Congress" on Tuesday, 08 October 2019, hosted by Albay Province, Mar Serrano says, "DA Chief Urges Farmers To Diversify Farming Practice" (09 October 2019, PNA, pna.gov.ph): Manong Willie said, "We need to formulate a crop diversification program to (improve) farmers' income." We are "a rice-centric agricultural country, but we can never just live with rice alone; we need to diversify Philippine agriculture."

Palayamanan was a diversification formula – although no one talked about it like that. I was the Editor in Chief of the Philippine Journal of Crop Science, PJCS, when the paper titled "Palayamanan: A Rice-Based Farming Systems Model For Small-Scale Farmers" was submitted by RG Corales, LM Juliano, AOV Capistrano, HS Tobias, NV Dasalla, SD Cañete, MC Casimero & LS Sebastian and this was published in the 2004 PJCS issue, Vol 29 No 1, pages 21-27. From the Abstract:

The Palayamanan model of diversified integrated rice-based farming system developed and established by the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is composed of synergistically compatible farming ventures such as rice, onion, poultry, livestock, and aquaculture. The model farm has been established in six state colleges and universities and a research center in the country. The system employs practical, cost-saving and yield-enhancing management practices. The system includes microbial technology as an added dimension of the management practices to facilitate farm operations, improve the resource base and reduce overall operational costs… A one-hectare diversified farm can sustain most of the daily food requirements, incidental expenses from fast-growing crops, and provide considerable income from animals, fish, and seasonal field crops. Maximum utilization of on-farm biomass residues for nutrient sources and animal feeds using microbial technology improves the efficiency of the system and also reduces the operating expenses. Three workers or a family of six members can operate the farm.

Note: "diversified integrated rice-based farming system… composed of synergistically compatible farming ventures such as rice, onion, poultry, livestock and aquaculture." The above image is close to this description: we have durian, coconut, cacao, rice, taro and fish – excellent!

Where is excellence now?

"The model farm has been established in six state colleges and universities and a research center in the country." And I, wide reader and Facebook hound, have never heard of them again!

"A one-hectare diversified farm can sustain most of the daily food requirements, incidental expenses from fast-growing crops, and provide considerable income from animals, fish, and seasonal field crops." Such promise – where did all that go!?

"Three workers or a family of six members can operate the farm." Family-oriented farm: what else did PhilRice want?

Time for PhilRice to rise up!@517


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