
Showing posts from December, 2022

Journalists, Here’s How To Make Your New Year Happy – Stop Complaining First And Start Understanding Where People & Events Are Coming From!

Journalist Ellen Tordesillas , says Rest of World 100 , co-founded the non-profit Vera Files ( ) in 2008, “to provide fact-checking and analysis of Philippine political issues under President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration [as] she and her team of Filipino journalists impart the importance of separating facts from misinformation and disinformation online [that] has become especially significant as political misinformation becomes part and parcel of online life in the Philippines.” Really? Thus,, it is not surprising that she shares on Facebook today, Saturday, 31 Dec 2022, the end-of-the-year sharing: “Hello 2023! New Year, new pieces of information. Continue to be critical and scrutinizing in 2023. “ And my comment to that is this: “Ms Ellen, au contraire – I will continue to be creative 2023 – you would not know I am actually being critical!” Ms Ellen, look at the lower image (“2023” from ): Something new from something old. Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023!

There Are No Dull Pupils Or Students – There Are Only Dull Teachers Or Instructors! This Is A Teacher Speaking About Multiple Intelligences (MI)

I have been re-inspired to write about Harvard psychology professor Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) because my youngest daughter Graciela is now teaching at Potter’s Place in El Nido, Palawan – the school covering elementary grades up to senior high school. As a teacher, I learned years ago that each individual has one’s own intelligences. This new dedicated blog “Multiple I’s” was inspired when I read Vikram Mansharamni’ s article shared on Facebook (15 June 2020, CNBC, ): “Harvard Lecturer: ‘No Specific Skill Will Get You Ahead In The Future’ – But This ‘Way Of Thinking’ Will.” The phrase “Harvard Lecturer” is indirectly saying, “If Harvard endorses the idea, you better subscribe to it!” Mr Mansharamni says: Many of us have been told that deep expertise will lead to enhanced credibility, rapid job advancement, and escalating incomes. The alternative of being broad-minded is usually dismissed as dabbling without really adding value. But the future

MTV’s Edsa People Power Book “Silver Linings” – When You Write History, Remember It’s Never Finished!

Friday, 30 Dec 2022, is the 126 th year after the Spanish authority in the Philippines executed the “subversive” Jose Rizal , whose death quickly made him the National Hero and turned the tide against the colonizers. Today, I celebrate not a Death but a Birth, the “New Philippines” that emerged after the Edsa People Power Revolution of February 1986. This time, the tide turned against dictator President Ferdinand “FM” Edralin Marcos; today, I ask: That “New Philippines” – where is it? (“Edsa 1986” from ) My friend JAQ just sent me a new copy of Melandrew T Velasco ’s book Silver Linings subtitled “25 Years Of The 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution,” published 2012. A total of 488 pages, paperbound, no color pages except the PH flag on the cover. Color is what Mr Velasco’s book lacks – figuratively and literally! What is lacking in Mr Velasco’s book – co-written with Rafael Alunan III and Gen Reynaldo V Velasco (Ret) – is the “Silver Linings” promised in the title. My