MTV’s Edsa People Power Book “Silver Linings” – When You Write History, Remember It’s Never Finished!

Friday, 30 Dec 2022, is the 126th year after the Spanish authority in the Philippines executed the “subversive” Jose Rizal, whose death quickly made him the National Hero and turned the tide against the colonizers. Today, I celebrate not a Death but a Birth, the “New Philippines” that emerged after the Edsa People Power Revolution of February 1986. This time, the tide turned against dictator President Ferdinand “FM” Edralin Marcos;today, I ask: That “New Philippines” – where is it?

(“Edsa 1986” from

My friend JAQ just sent me a new copy of Melandrew T Velasco’s book Silver Linings subtitled “25 Years Of The 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution,” published 2012. A total of 488 pages, paperbound, no color pages except the PH flag on the cover.

Color is what Mr Velasco’s book lacks – figuratively and literally!

What is lacking in Mr Velasco’s book – co-written with Rafael Alunan III and Gen Reynaldo V Velasco (Ret) – is the “Silver Linings” promised in the title.

My online dictionary has this on the subject (TheFreeDictionary,

Silver lining – The potential for something positive or beneficial to result from a negative situation... (A silver lining on a cloud is an indication that the sun is behind it.)

So now, I'm asking Mr Velasco – “Where is that Sun? More directly, where is that Vision? Your book does not present it in any way, shape or form, and it’s not your failure. After the Marcoses fled to Hawaii, the leaders of Edsa People Power failed to gather and discuss what to do next, how to make this nation not regret again!

What we Filipinos need to do now is proceed to the next phase of Edsa People Power; Edsa saw the silver linings but not a Vision for a brighter Philippines! “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV).

I say: “Edsa People Power failed to solve/resolve “The 3 Poverties” – Poverty of Thinking, Poverty of Leadership, and Poverty of Followership. Thinking: The Edsa Leaders failed to define/refine the Vision after the Fall. Leadership: They failed to define/refine Leadership after Martial Law. Followership: They failed to define/refine the Followership from the Leadership.

A writer & editor with decades of experiences in the typewriter and digital universes, Roman Catholic, I see the first unforgivablesin of Mr Velasco’s book is the non-inclusion of the major role that Jaime Cardinal Sin played in rallying the people and encouraging them to physically gather along Edsa to show support for the breakaway leaders: Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel V Ramos.

This time, now that the son has also risen, President Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr, we Filipinos should ask the same question: “Where is that New Philippines?!” Where is your vision of your country apart from a “P20/kg rice”? I Filipino citizen expect: “The Son Also Rises”!

“Silver Linings” is a book that is unfinished – and that finishes it with me. If all BBM dreams of is 20 pesos per kilo of rice, the buck stops here?@517



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