“I Believe There Is Good In The World,” Rappler’s CEO Maria Ressa Says. I Blogger Say, “Show It – Be The Good In The World!”

News & Views to wake up some people – Today, Monday, 26 Dec 2022 (Manila), browsing Facebook, I chanced upon a Rappler post with the challenging title: “How Can Data Journalism Drive Action?” I clicked the link and was shown the Rapplereditorial with that title, dated 12 March 2022. Rappler is still fighting disinformation – I see some things don’t change!

On that same page appears the “Fearless Journalism Drives Action” vlogpost of Rappler; Nobel Peace Prize 2021 winner Maria Ressa leads that group that insists on what I call “Truth Journalism.  Indeed, 31 months ago, on 14 June 2020, I blogged “Maria Ressa Thinks Truth Journalism. Like Apple, I Think Different" (The Editor In Chief, blogspot.com).

Maria Ressa swears by her practice of Truth Journalism. Now I ask, since I have not seen any of her reports dealing with it: “Is Maria Ressa afraid of the Truths of Science? Why is she not wringing out the truths, for instance, about Chemical Agriculture (CA) and its subversive role in bringing about Climate Change!?

“Subversive” means “Intending or intended to subvert an established order, especially to undermine or overthrow an established government” – American Heritage Dictionary, thefreedictionary.com. Chemical or conventional agriculture not only subverts the natural richness of the soil but also subverts the climate by generating greenhouse gases (GHGs) that generate Climate Change!

Climate Change is subversive of everything and everyone – and Maria Ressa is unconcerned of That Truth!?

My journalism is in sharp contrast with Maria Ressa’s Truth Journalism that cannot even pass The Rotary 4-Way Test: Where is the Truth, Fairness, Goodwill & Better Friendships, Benefits to all?
(“Rotary” from lansingrotary.org)

Thereby, I am challenging Maria Ressa and all of the Rappler group to practice what I shall now call “Be The Good Journalism” with each Rappler journalist repeating to herself:

“I believe there is good in the world!”

In the meantime, I continue to practice what I call THiNK Journalism, as I ask the following questions one after the other:

Is it 
True? If True, is it
Helpful? If Helpful, is it
Inspiring? If Inspiring, is it
Necessary? If Necessary, is it

True? Is Climate Change true? Yes. Does conventional agriculture contribute to the generation of greenhouse gases that generate Climate Change? Yes!

Helpful? If you change your fertilizer from chemical to organic, will you help stop Climate Change? Yes!

Inspiring? Yes! Because with organic agriculture, the farmers will not only decrease their total cost of farming much but also increase their total returns much more!

Necessary? Organic fertilizers are not only necessary but wonderful as they will be the One Stone that will Kill Two Birds at the same time: Farmer Poverty and Climate Change!

Kind? Organic Agriculture is not only necessary to solve Farmer Poverty but also Climate Change and thereby reduce the destructions caused by typhoons such as floods & landslides!

With my THiNK Journalism, I believe there is good in the world that I help bring!”@517



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