“Regenerative Agriculture Can Reverse Climate Change!” – Rodale Institute, American Organic Farmer. “We Can Do It By Thinking Intelligently, First” – Frank A Hilario, Filipino Agriculturist

I am a stubborn son of a gun; I insist that we can rule over Climate Change and not simply allow it to rule over our lives. And having read and thought about this modern phenomenon since Al Gore and the IPCC co-won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for their climate works, I have made up my mind: We can change Climate Change!

(Heads from critical-thinking.project.uq.edu.au)

My country the Philippines is minimally campaigning against Climate Change, and our agriculturists do not see – or say – that Regenerative Agriculture (RA) can solve 5 stubborn problems at the same time:

1. Fertilizer Imports,
2. Food Supply,
3. Customer Health
4. Farmer Poverty
5. Climate Correction.

In their article “Regenerative Agriculture Can Play A Key Role In Combating Climate Change” (One Earth, oneearth.org), Betsy Taylor, Karl Burkart, Keith Paustian, Rattan Lal and Roland Bunch list 5 underlying principles of Regenerative Agriculture. But I prefer the practical list of John Cherry (“5 Principles Of Regenerative Agriculture,” GroundsWellgroundswellag.com):

1.      Don’t disturb the soil.

2.      Keep the soil surface covered.

3.      Keep living roots in the soil.

4.      Grow a diverse range of crops.

5.      Bring grazing animals back to land.

 Actually, I have had my own maxi-mini procedure for Regenerative Agriculture, which I now call

“Meadow Materials Mixed & Mulched By Machine” (“5 Ms”).

That is Frank A Hilario’s personally invented formula for starting Regenerative Agriculture scientifically and intelligently! By “meadow” I mean any field of any size with growing grass or crop leftovers intended for farming or gardening.

Actually, the “5 Ms” is my new name for an old concoction I previously called

“Rotavator Organic WEALTh” (Weeds-Enriched Automatic Layer of Trash Triggering Terrestrial Health).

Yes, using an off-the-shelf rotavator via directed rotavation (that is, under instructions from me). I first mentioned “Rotavator Organic WEALTh” in my essay, “Can You Grow Sugarcane Solely By Organic Fertilizer? CaneCo In The Antilles Archipelago Shows The World How!” (27 April 2022, Brains & Beauty Farming, blogspot.com).

To be sure, I am willing to conduct a public techno-demo in your village at your expense.

(In the meantime, I am calling on Ma'am Leni and her Angat Buhay Foundation to finance a project that will reinvent the rotavator so that even a novice farmer of any sex and age can operate the machine and come out with the proper organic mulch – even if s/he does not know what is a mulch! This is the stupid-proof beginning of organic farming for neophytes!

I first mentioned my proposed Angat Buhay project on 17 Aug 2022, “Ma'am Leni, Angat Buhay, Remembering Adam & Eve: Here Is How The Females Can Show The Males How To Take Very Good Care Of Their Garden Of Eden!” Brains & Beauty Farming, blogspot.com).

“Meadow Materials Mixed & Mulched By Machine” – my “5 Ms” actually introduces anybody, familiar with farming (or gardening) or not, as to how a machine can “think” for the person wanting to grow his/her crop.@517



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