Are You A Genius? Of Course! And So Am I! And So Are We All Geniuses!

Surprised? People all over the world have been associating genius with Albert Einstein, with his Theory of Relativity – proof of his mathematical brilliance. Actually, we can find a multitude of geniuses among us right now. Let us start by discussing Harvard professor Howard Gardner’s revolutionary brainstorm, the “Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI).” 

(Einstein from

Here is Gardner’s list of 9 intelligences (expressed in heightened abilities):
(1) Bodily-kinesthetic – athletic
(2) Existential – aware of life broadly
(3) Interpersonal – understanding of others
(4) Intrapersonal – understanding oneself
(5) Linguistic-verbal – adept with language & writing
(6) Logical-mathematical – expert with numbers, relationships
(7) Musical – appreciative of rhythm, sounds
(8) Naturalistic – nature-loving
(9) Visual-spatial – art-loving

My good friend JAQ has challenged me to write about “multiple intelligences” in relation to Filipino national hero Jose Rizal of whom he says:

… among his multiple intelligences, good in both math and art. Many think that they are poles apart but in truth they are complementary, maybe not all the times, but in most instances.

Thinking about it since 17 Jan 2023 when JAQ emailed me – today, Thursday, 09 Feb 2023 (Manila time), surprise! I have gone on to invent the Theory of Multiple Geniuses (MGs). This is my lucky day! And so it is yours; I do declare:

Each one of us is a multiple genius!

First, about the number “9,” Sarah Scoop says (

In numerology, angel number 9 is associated with the attributes of intuition, compassion, and understanding. This number can be seen as a sign from the angels that you are on the right path and doing your best in life. It’s a reminder to stay positive and keep your heart open to the possibilities that the future may bring. Be sure to follow your heart and trust your intuition, as this is a powerful combination that can lead you to success.

Intuition is associated with 9. Intuitive, my theory of MGs comes after mulling about Gardner’s MI. about it, Serhat Kurt says (

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences was first presented in 1983 by Howard Gardner, a psychologist, when he published his book Frames Of Mind. He declared that learning occurred through many types of intelligences, and that people had various levels of each.

And yes, the number of Gardner’s MI is “9”!

I have been writing about MI since 2007 (see my “Primate Change? Or Climate Change?” 31 March 2007, The American Frank, Years earlier, I came across MI when my children were studying at Cahbriba, the high school established by Pilar Habito (wife of former NEDA Chair Cielito F Habito). The Habitos had encountered MI when the husband was studying at Harvard for advanced education.

I learned I was a genius when I was in high school in the mid-50s by taking a quiz appearing on the Reader’s Digest. Genius has been associated with unsocial behavior – look at Einstein again – not anymore with my theory of Multiple Geniuses. Today is your lucky day: You are a genius yourself!@517
(Top image from


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