Michèle Boccoz, For The French’s Valentine’s “Gift” Of PhP9 Billion, This Filipino Says, “Je Vous Aime!” I Love You!

French Leave? No. French Love, Yes! Via Ms Michèle Boccoz, Ambassador of France, thru Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno, we Filipinos have a French offering of PhP9 Billion this Valentine’s month. Counting back 2 years, the Philippines signed a PhP14 Billion loan with France “to support local governments’ disaster response.” If you want to measure love of country, let it be in billions! 
(Diokno and Boccoz from manilatimes.net), “Regenerative” from iybssd2022.org)

On Facebook, I read today, Sunday, 19 Feb 2023, the good news from France to help us Filipinos to tackle the bad news: “Cash Countering Climate Change.” France is not sending us her Three Musketeers – friends, she is sending us funds to finance our own army of battlers of Climate Change!

Ronnel W Domingo says, “France Offers P8.87B To Help PH Battle Climate Change” (17 January 2023, Inquirer. business.inquirer.net):

The Philippines’ efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change gets an added boost as the government of France made available 150 million euros (around P8.87 billion) in further financing through a loan that supports the Climate Change Action Program (CCAP).

History & Lit – Now I'm reading Wikipedia’s encyclopedic entry on The Three Musketeers (en.wikipedia.org), and it says Alexander Dumas wrote the novel at “a time when the debate in France between republicans and monarchists was still fierce.” The story was first serialized from March to July 1844, 4 years before the French Revolution of 1848. This time, a reader lover of adventure, I am thinking of a Philippine Revolution in Climate Change!

Provided through the French Development Agency, the additional funding for the CCAP’s Subprogram 1 is intended to help the Philippines scale up its efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

The intention includes PH efforts “to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the deployment of renewable energies, improving energy efficiency and deploying sustainable transport.”

I did not see but I am interested to find out how our Citizen Climate Change Muskeeters will combat and defeat the common enemies called “Farmer Poverty” and “Climate Change” that after all arise from the same cause: Chemical Agriculture!

You can’t take that away from me – after all, I am an Agriculturist, an alumnus of UP Los Baños, BSA major in Ag Edu, 1965 – and the son of an Ilocano farmer from Asingan, Pangasinan. I taught myself creative writing; I also taught myself digital creative writing, editing, and desktop publishing – up to and including producing journals and books.

A wide reader since high school, and a writer-from-home for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) from 2000 to 2014, I began my intellectual journey into Climate Change when Al Gore and the IPCC co-won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 on their works on global warming.

I never left. Now then, I have been into Climate Change for the last 15 years. I have concrete ideas on how to be a Muskeeter fighting Farmer Poverty and Climate Change – via Regenerative Agriculture. I hope Mr Diokno is paying attention!@517


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