Vision Of William Dar As (Next) Secretary Of Agriculture: “Art & Science With A Farmer’s Face” – Frank A Hilario

“What Now, Department Of Agriculture?” asks UP Diliman Professor and Inquirer opinion writer Meliton B Juanico (06 Feb 2023,, A UP Los Baños alumnus, I say, “Good question!” Mr Juanico emphasizes this: “One of the country’s pressing needs now is the appointment of a full-time [Secretary of Agriculture]” – I say, “Right!”

President Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr continues as Interim Agriculture Secretary, but as Mr Juanico necessarily and unhappily points out, BBM “does not initiate crucial solutions to our woefully dysfunctional agricultural economic system” (my emphasis). Continuing, Mr Juanico describes what he calls a “monopsonistic-oligopsonistic distribution system of farm products characterized by the multilayered system of from four to as many as eight middlemen who depress farm gate prices to ensure their own profitability and who are controlled by cartelized urban merchants…”

Yes Sir, Mr Juanico – our country has reported “high GDP growth rate of 7.6 percent and its consequent [contribution of] PhP22.02-trillion [to] the economy; however, they should ask themselves if this growth rate has tangibly trickled down to the masses and solved the country’s age-old problems of poverty, inequality, and unemployment.”

As an old agriculturist, UP Los Baños 1965, I share the old agony of the problem of Farmer Poverty. And that explains why I am focusing on William Dar, the top image I took 27 April 2018 at a seminar-something sponsored by RiceUp, which I now find is “a social enterprise founded by Filipino students at Brigham Young University-Hawaii … to help regenerate agriculture in the [Philippines]” (Di Zhou, “RiceUp: Empowering Filipino Farmers,” 20 Sept 2018, Change Magazine,

My top photo shows Mr Dar intentionally & singularly focused on while speaking to the audience. As it turns out, I had known him then for 11 years off and on, starting when I was appointed Writer-From-Home (WFH) for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) based in India when he was Director General (DG). He was DG for ICRISAT for 15 years, or 3 terms, 2000-2014 – and that the Indians loved him! And why would not the Indians love him when by his “Servant Leadership” he brought ICRISAT, among 15 international agriculture research agencies of the CGIAR group, from from dead last to #1?! ICRISAT became a powerhouse of science with his Vision – “Science with a human face.”

And so, this WFH wants the next PH Secretary of Agriculture after Mr Dar to be William Dollente Dar so that he can continue where he left off before BBM took over, and proceed with a completely relevant slogan: “Science with a farmer’s face.”

Above, lower image, also my photograph, is the UPLB Alumni Plaza 4-piece sculptural installation “Ani” (Harvest) that I took 29 July 2016. I am using it now to point out that:

Mr Dar himself earned his PHD in Horticulture from UP Los Baños; certainly, UPLB Agriculture has grown up with the Arts & Sciences, and we need them all to help bring to life “Science with a farmers’ face!”@517



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