Yes, Journalism Is Killing Itself Slowly, Even If Thinking Of The Nobel Peace Prize! Any Day, I Say, “Press Freedom Is Thinking Of My Own Nobel!”

Yes, I'm thinking of Filipina journalist & Rappler CEO Maria Ressa’s Nobel Peace Prize she co-won in 2021 with Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov. Thinking without envy. Rather, I am thinking of my own Nobel with my “THiNK! Journalism” – the term & concept of which I first came out with on 24 Oct 2017. I have always been an original!

(“#Myth” from, “World Press” from

In the meantime, the practitioners of Truth Journalism, including Rappler’s own journalists, had kept complaining about being prevented from “Seeing and Saying the Truth.” The problem with their Truth is that it cannot even pass the “Rotary 4-Way Test!” –

1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Today, I go back to my THiNK! Journalism that I had forgotten in the last 6 years.

My friend JAQ had inspired me today, Friday, 17 Feb 2023, to practice 100% my own THiNK! Journalism, to go after the Nobel Peace Prize on my own terms, my Communication for Development (ComDev) ethos – and not follow the tried-and-tested approach such as proven by Miss Ressa.

By the way, I am using my 9-year old Lenovo “ThinkPad” laptop with its Intel Corei7 processor, even as I am editing a new book major-authored by UPLB Prof (Ret) Teodoro C Mendoza – the book is Big and on a big topic: Organic Agriculture (OA). My son-in-law Karl Cerni and his wife, my daughter Maria Lorena gifted me for my 82nd birthday last year, Sept 17, with a new HP 15.6” laptop with an “AMD Ryzen” processor and 16 GB RAM –

Suddenly, my 82-year old overall digital speed became that of a 28-year old! Thank God!

Meanwhile, I have my old Lenovo and my old self beginning today 100% dedicated to OA, which is part of Regenerative Agriculture (RA). And so, Nobel Peace Prize, here I come!

Many people, including in my country the Philippines, claim that journalism is dying. No, I don’t believe so – they are just allowing others, or themselves, to see without seeing!

My 2017 essay was “Think! Journalism: Calling For Nobler Kinds Of People In Media” (24 Oct 2017, Creative Thinkering,; I had invented Think! Journalism 22 Oct 2017.) Some 6 years later, I spell it thus: “THiNK!” but it still runs thus: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind? I said in that essay:

THINK! T? H? I? N? K? You must choose to answer all questions. Not choose which question to ask and answer. Think! journalism is journalism for the public; you as a journalist are answerable to your public conscience.

I even gave a slogan there: “Yak unto others what you want others yak unto you!”

Now then, as long as your yakking is in the name of ComDev, not necessarily in the form of THiNK! Journalism, proceed!@517


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