Here’s How You Can Improve Your Writing – Practice Kindness Everyday! How May I Help You, Read On!

Monday, 29 Jan 2024, I googled for “improving writing” and found the above images: “10 Ways” from, “Improve” from I am a teacher (BSA major in Ag Edu, UP Los Baños, 1965; Civil Service Professional 1964). Ah, but I taught myself how to write creatively. The top image shows that teachers don’t know much about writing!

And now this unprecedented, unbelievable offer from me:
I will edit anybody’s article for free as long as it has to do with Agriculture.

With give and take, you will learn from me creative writing sooner or later. And then when I’m satisfied with your article, I will publish it in this blog where you are reading this: THiNK! Journalism.

Why? I want to help anybody improve his/her writing, especially in relation to Agriculture in general and that which is applicable especially in the Philippines. Because I want to improve the practice of Agriculture so that it rewards the farmer generously!

The top image says, “10 Ways To Improve Writing” – but does not show one of the secrets that I know, which the bottom image shows: the personal computer (PC). If you still are not using the PC to write, please do not be surprised your writing is not that good!

In any case, here I am offering my free editing services to anyone who wants to improve one’s writing. On to excellence!

Aristotle says, “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution.” I can help you with “intelligent execution” – trust me!

Monica says,” How To Improve Writing Skills: 12 Tips To Be More Professional” (

Writing an article is far more than putting words and letters together. It requires writers to have strong logic and extensive knowledge.

“It requires writers to have strong logic and extensive knowledge.” Monica, today, if you google the digital universe, you will find more logic and knowledge that you a writer can handle!

And who am I to offer help in creative writing to anyone? I am a self-taught writer, and I have blogged some 40,000 essays since 2000!

Today, I am offering you, male or female, young or old (I turned 83 last September, thank God!), my free editorial services – and when we are done, I will publish you in this blog: eventually in the THiNK! Magazine, once I find a financial sponsor.

You can write on any topic from A to Z: from America to Zimbabwe, from Abaca to Zea mays (corn), from Abba to Zendaya, from Agriculture to Zen.

“Creativity” I will discuss next time. This time, I want to tell you that you should write with this one liberating word, a verb:

Live in Kindness Everyday.
I wish you LiKE!

Here is a list of how you can practice LIKE to improve your writing:
Link in Kindness Everyday
Listen in Kindness Everyday.
Look in Kindness Everyday.
Lose in Kindness Everyday.

LiKE! In and out of writing? Practice Kindness every single day!@517


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