What We Are Witness Of Is All Unlove – Where Is The Love?”

Just browsing Facebook posts and sharings, you will note insistent & persistent efforts from many sources inviting people to join their churches other than Roman Catholic – that is to say, they are the true church and not the Catholic Church. Today, as a Catholic, I ask, “Where is the love?” 
(“Where Is The Love?” image from pxleyes.com)

We humans need the loving, not the dividing. “Love is the Only Path To Christian Unity, Pope Says” (Cindy Wooden, 26 Jan 2024, ncronline.org). L’Osservatore Romano says Pope Francis says (osservatoreromano.va):

Jesus can thus conclude that the right question is not: “Who is my neighbor?” but “Do I act like a neighbor?” Only a love that becomes gratuitous service, only the love that Jesus taught and embodied, will bring separated Christians closer to one another. Only that love, which does not appeal to the past in order to remain aloof or to point a finger, only that love which in God’s name puts our brothers and sisters before the ironclad defense of our own religious structures, only that love will unite us.

This is not my first time to write about Christian love. Almost 8 years ago, I wrote “The Urban Legend Of Love” (13 June 2015, A Magazine Called Love, blogspot.com), where I quoted from Albert Einstein’s purported “Letter To His Daughter” thus:

There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE.

As of today, Sunday, 28 Jan 2024, the whole universe has yet to discover and practice that universal force.

In that same essay, I also wrote:

"There is no way to peace, peace is the way" – AJ Muste.
"There is no way to love – love is the way" – Frank H.

In the same way, I see Love working as the propagator of the beauty of Mother Nature – green grass growing, crops flourishing, animals grazing, rivers flowing, mangroves alive and fishes multiplying.

I say, “Communities must learn to grow in love: at homes, at the farms, at the markets, at schools, at offices. Everyone should not ask, ‘Who is my neighbor?’ Instead, everyone should act, ‘You are my neighbor; I love you!’”

The song “Where Is The Love?” by Blackeyed Peas goes 747 words (including title); in their song, the Blackeyed Peas ask:

Mama, mama, mama, tell us what the hell is goin' on
Can't we all just get along?

Over here on the streets the police shoot the people
Put the bullets in 'em
(Where's the love?)

People killin' people dyin'
Children hurtin', I hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preachin'?
Would you turn the other cheek again?

But if you only got love for your own race
(Where's the love?)

Everyone claims to practice love but not everyone practices love despite everything. “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).@517


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